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Friday, November 2, 2007

Honeymoon Photos

Welome to the Smith Family Blog! We decided that with a growing family this would be the best way to keep everyone in the know.

A Sunset Smooch at Poipu Beach. This became our evening hangout and susnet watching place.

The view from our condo was beautiful. We couldn't have asked for better ammenities. Ian even made a special friend ~ the Gecko!

We felt like we were on top of the world at the end of Waimea Canyon Roas. The Kalalau Valley used to be inhabited, but no longer has permanent residents.

This is the view from the far East End of Kuaii' looking towards the Napali Coast. That is definitely an adventure we will take advantage of next time!

This was a really interesting formation in the sandstone that looked like it had been used as a teenager hide out!

This is "Secret Beach" that the locals know for its nude sunbathing. We didn't see any of that, but the hike back up was a good work out.

We had a blast on our Horseback ride! Even though we were totally sunburnt from the previous day at the beach, we still enjoyed ourselves! The picture overlooking the bay is where Indian Jones was filmed!

And last, but not least, my favorite photo of the entire trip! We just happened to be on Kuaii during a blue moon and captured this beautiful shot!